Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Friday 11 February 2011

Purple shirts and Terracotta Men

Had a day out on my own today. Had it all planned with a visit to the Art Gallery to see The First Emperor exhibition, then a quick visit to a friend's art gallery and then onto Elizabeth Bay House.

I read on the train, Archangels 101 by Doreen Virtue, finishing the chapter on Archangel Michael just before I got to Redfern. I realised then that I couldn't remember picking up my train ticket at the station, I looked in my purse and bag, finding the change from buying the ticket but not the ticket. Was worried about being fined at the station so decided to get off at Central with the hope of explaining my plight, I asked Archangel Michael for help as I got up from my seat. Was in the aisle when I looked back and noticed the ticket sitting on the seat, I had been sitting on it. I still don't remember picking it up and do not understand why it would be under me and not in my purse with the change.

I was going to catch a bus but felt guided to walk. Walked to Hyde Park, letting myself be guided, I took one path but felt I should be on another, I noticed a dragonfly and following it, it led me to the other path before flying away. Sat for a few minutes listening to a busker, he was pretty good and before I left I dropped some money in his guitar case and we had a little chat. Each time I wasn't sure which way to go I noticed that people dressed in purple would turn up so I simply followed them (Purple is Archangel Michael's colour) and ended up at the right place.

Visited the Art Gallery and saw the Terracotta Warriors, it was pretty crowded, I can't imagine what it would be like on the weekend. Wandered around the galleries afterwards, the paintings I was most interested in were those that showed details in dress and costume.

Afterwards had a quick visit with my friend and then a chicken, mushroom pie and peas at Harry's - yum. Struggled up the stairs, had to stop and rest about 2 thirds up, eventually finding Elizabeth Bay House, where I wandered through the house taking in the history. On my way out I noticed a few ladies were in the dining room doing some craft projects, got to chatting with them and they told me they were making soft furnishings to replace old pieces in the house, everything had to be done by hand. When I mentioned my love of handmaking items, they extended the invitation to consider joining them. It's something to think about especially seeing as they meet every second Friday.

Afterwards I walked to a nearby station and headed to Town Hall, taking advantage of exploring a bookstore. I found their craft section and immediately was in heaven, I have never seen so many craft books, many of which were Japanese. I bought a dressmaking book that came with printable patterns, bag making and a Tilda book. Have to show Mum what I spent the money she gave me for my birthday. But first I need to recover from all the walking I did, my feet are aching in protest.

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