Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

I have a problem..

It's called kids helping around the house, AKA making more work for Mum.

My kids aren't small, they are 18 and 15, it's often hard to get them to do things around the house, the 18 year old especially. My 15 year old son can be a great help and often is.

My problem lies when they decide that something needs doing such as tidying the linen cupboard, cleaning out the pantry or some other big job. They start, they pull out things and then get bored or distracted. Last week it was the linen cupboard, I just finally got around to putting the sheets back in it. This week it has been the tupperware/storage container cupboard, there is a laundry basket of containers to be put away sitting on the kitchen floor waiting for me to put it away. A while back my daughter decided to start on my sewing room, which meant I couldn't find anything when I finally was able to get in there after scaling a mountian of things left in the doorway.

On the other hand they neglect what they are supposed to do - empty the bins, load and empty dishwasher and pick up after themselves.

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