Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Saturday 19 March 2011

And so it begins........

My daughter has finally started to show an interest in sewing, a little while back she asked my Mum if she could teach her. Then it was suggested that she go to classes that the craft group at our church run, but then she started a full time TAFE course. Mum gave her 4 weeks tuition at the sewing shop for her birthday, she started today. Of course I was the taxi service, machine hauler and setter upperer. My machine weighs a ton and add the wheeled bag to it it's about a ton and a half. My daughter wouldn't even be able to lift it.

She's sewing stretch pants, Kwik Sew 3443. Apart from the time it took me to drive home to pick up the gift voucher and to buy a pair of left handed scissors to cut paper with I stayed in the store either browsing, crocheting a bag or sitting by her to help with accuracy. Her first seam needs unpicking but her second try at a seam went well, I turned down the speed on the machine.

This has been the most use the machine has had in ages.

When I pulled it out in the class the store owner commented on the fancy dancy machine I had, the others had basic machines and mine is an embroidery model. But for all it's fanciness it has it's faults, the bobbin doesn't always wind successfully, I usually have to do it twice before it's right, the light doesn't work and the screen has faded so much that you have look at it from an angle to see it. I'm going to put it in for service soon to see if they can rectify it, though am thinking a new machine might be on the horizon. Maybe a little basic one just for Cassie to use.


white_lilly said...

Hi Cheryl, how wonderful for you and your daughter, I'm sure she will have a lot of fun at TAFE and maybe you both can have sewing days together. I wish I could find the time to sit down and sew something amazing :)

Cheryl@Gingerbread Crafts said...

white Lilly, thanks for the comment, I love getting comments.

I wish she would have fun at TAFE but she's finding it stressful, hoping that the sewing might bring a reprieve. I always get a high when I'm working on and completing something, hope she does too.