Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Monday 21 March 2011

Of Maids and crochet.

Hired me a maid, yup a maid.

For at least half an hour each day she is employed to clean my house. I am a hard task master, no breaks during that half hour, she's been pretty good with it no complaining at all. First day she had to tackle my neglected kitchen, then second day is was back into the kitchen to clean up after dinner and then tidy the dining area. Today she put dinner on, a load of washing in the machine and then went on to tidy the main bathroom, I even had her on her hands and knees wiping over the floor with a damp cloth. After that she dished up dinner, I've insisted on her returning later to clean up the dinner things and the kitchen.

No real payment is provided, she will be rewarded one day a week with a day off either in or out as the whim takes me, perhaps a visit to a nice coffee shop or someother reward. If she doesn't make an appearance one day a forfeit will be made, no day off until her times are made up. Sounds mean doesn't it?

It doesn't matter what time she turns up as long as she does, last night it was 10.30 pm, the night before it was around midnight, tonight it was 7.30pm. I had just finished watching a favourite show and decided that it was time she turned up, was looking forward to it. I got up and walked to the kitchen dresser, pulling out her apron, pulled it over my head and tied it behind my back and TAA DAA instant maid. It's one of the things I didn't like about wife and motherhood, the maid or (dare I say it?) the feeling of being a slave to my family, it's really been a bugbear to me and is the reason I let things get neglected, perhaps I was a slave in a past life. Doing this puts things on my terms, I've turned around something that I thought was negative to being positive.

Her influence rubbed off on me, because last night after I put her back in the drawer I had the cleaning urge and cleaned the hotspot by my bed and my bedside drawers. I lit my salt lamp, sandalwood and listened to Sacred Earth, it's been a long time since I've done that. Afterwards I got into bed and read from Change your Life in 7 days before putting in Chakra Cleaning Meditation CD and then did the Hypnosis CD from Change your Life before falling asleep.

On the craft front, I've been crocheting myself a bag. Had been wanting a plain black bag for a while now and recently saw a crochet one for sale, figured I could make one myself. I came across this one at Future Girl, fell in love with the shape, I'm not doing the handle part, I want it to be a shoulder bag. Her instructions are great and the bag is coming along nicely. I chose Moda Vera Beetle yarn, 50% cotton/acrylic, would have prefered cotton only but this had the exact feel I was looking for, it's crocheting up beautifully on a 4mm hook. The yarn was on special $2 instead of $3, I think I'll need less than 3 full balls.

Just refered to the first part of this message, to some it might sound like sheer lunacy which is why I added it as a label. Perhaps it is, perhaps the Moon is working on me. We tried seeing the Super Moon but it's been rainy and overcast. Only saw it a little 2 nights ago and to me it wasn't that big, then my brother told me that because we are heading to winter we wouldn't see it at it's biggest anyway.

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