Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Just how do you tell a 4 year old she isn't getting a dress?

Yesterday was asked to make a Great Neice an apron to wear on a trip to Elizabeth Farm. When I asked her Mum what she was wearing under the apron, was told that they didn't have anything suitable and she would be wearing it with her school uniform. So of course I couldn't let that go, I hunted through my stash of patterns and fabric to make a dress for the outfit.

The pattern was Butterick B5119, sadly a now discontinued pattern. The fabric was picked up from Spotlight off the discount/discontinued tables. Am thinking that making an old fashion costume using discontinued supplies is appropiate.

The dress and apron. The apron I put together myself without a pattern, it was very easy to do.

Had been asked if I could make an apron for the younger sister as well, her Mum said she would be happy with just the apron. I was working on it this afternoon after dropping off the outfit. They came over to show how great the outfit looked on, the 4 year old wanted to stay to watch me working on it. She had lots of questions, each answer I gave resulted in "Why?". When I told her that it she will have it tomorrow, she asked "where's my dress with flowers?". Hmm, so much for being happy with just an apron. Looks like I'll be making another dress.

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