A little more guessimation and I've ended up perfect sized slippers for myself, they are keeping my footsies warm right now. Was worried they would be itchy but they aren't, very pleased.

First I made a panel for the heel, this was twice as long as depth of the opening and 5 rows wide. I preshrunk it and was going to simply to fold it down and sew a button on, wasn't happy with the look. Decided ankle straps were needed so again made another piece. This was around 80 stitches long, 1 row. it was folded in half and stitched butted together, leaving a slit for a button hole. Again this was felted and ended up being perfect length for my ankle. The heel flap stitched down with room left for the ankle strap.

I've also have been working on the item that began this creativity, a pair of homespun socks. They too are going very well, have been making 2 at once because of the yarn. I keep having to stop and swap the yarns around, otherwise I would end up with one purple sock with touches of turquiose or one turquoise sock with hardly any purple. Such is the nature of hand dyed yarn.

Lately my poor spinning wheels have been nothing but dust catchers in the corner, I did try to spin a little while back but was so rusty at it. Yesterday I found spinning classes 5 - 10 minutes from home. The lady only charges $5, she is still learning herself, in fact by the same lady who taught me. It'll be good to have a refresher and make new friends closer to home. I'm also going to join in on their weekly Crochet Circle.
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