Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Sunday, 26 June 2011


Had a wonderful day today, we (my kids and I) drove up to the Blue Mountains. We had lunch at Wentworth Falls, a couple of pizzas that I made last night, the remainder of the mini loaves. I was warming the pizzas on top of an electric BBQ next to 2 ladies and a man who were cooking up a pile of sausages, they turned to me and asked if we wanted some they had brought way too many.

After lunch and a visit to a couple of lookouts we drove to Katoomba and did a little shopping on the main street. I bought a crystal pendalum and a couple of fairy/elf bags filled with crystals from one shop and investigated several of the Antique shops, next time I go back it will be without my teenagers.

No photos yet, have to find a way to get them off the camera, I forgot to put the card back in.

We headed to Echo point, Thomas and I decided to walk to the 3 sisters while my 19 year old daughter opted to wait in the warmth of the car. The steps down were steep, didn't look forward going back up. I need to get much fitter. I did make it back to the car, then to the chocolate shop for some hot chocolate for them and a cup of tea for me.

I found the weather invigorating, it was cool but didn't really feel cold until later when we were down at the 3 Sisters, there was a strong wind blowing, the walk/drag back up warmed me up. I wore my Tam, still way too big and decided to search for the pattern to make a smaller one. I really have to label my posts better, I did remember I had made it around my MIL's birthday and searched for past posts

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