Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Breaking Habits

Have been almost unproductive for the last few days, almost because I did produce a raging Cold and most of a pair of socks. I've been telling myself that I needed some time off work and the Universe provided - really have to watch out what I ask for.

I did do some thinking, yes it did hurt not sure whether it was the cold or the thinking.

Anyway I thought about a need to change habits and have decided to start with dinner. Firstly starting on the eating better habit, Dr pointed out that we need 5 good serves of vegies per day. Then thought about our eating habits - not what we eat but how and where we eat. Most usually on our laps in front of the tv, which then is too important to leave to clean up. I then spend time I should be spending sleeping cleaning up or just leaving it. Today we started a new habit, the kids and I, I cooked dinner and then we sat at the table to eat. Afterwards the kitchen was cleaned, even caught up with some of the neglected jobs such as cleaning the oven. It feels nice to know that the only things I have to clear up before bed are a teacup and the cutting board I had some apple pieces on.

It's a start and I hope I will be strong enough to keep it up.

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