Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Surgery tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the day my brother, Peter has surgery. He's nervous, his blood pressure was a little high today most probably as a result. Is looking forward to it being done and to being able to get out of hospital. His dog is missing him something fierce, she runs to the door at the sound of every passing car and has tear marks on the fur around her eyes. I took some photos to take in to him but they showed her looking so sad that I was sure they would be upsetting, printed up some old ones instead.

It does mean he will lose his independence, for a time at least. He's moving back home and has been talking of selling his house and car (was talking of this before the fall). The car is his beloved Mini Cooper, he no longer feels comfortable driving a manual and will be going for an Auto when he is strong enough to drive again.

Just last week I had the vision of him in wheelchair, seems I was forewarned, but I feel it'll only be for a short time as he heals.

Mum and Dad have vacation plans in October, it's all paid for but Dad keeps talking of canceling, I am adamant they will go and they will ENJOY themselves. I am going to arrange time off from work so I will be there for him.

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