Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

I don't have a black thumb afterall.

The plants in my no dig "garden" are still alive, the peas have sprouted as well. I've also discovered that I am not to blame for the many plants that have karked or simply not grown recently. When I started getting interested in having pot plants I bought potting mix to put my plants in, I thought it was my fault, that I was neglecting the plants when they didn't flourish. Just after Valentine's Day I planted up some vegies into the potting mix, before I had all the plants in I ran out of the mix so looked in the shed and found some Soil Mix that I hadn't gotten around to use. I was worried about using it in a pot, this was supposed to be used in a garden but it was all I had.

I can't believe the difference in the plants, the ones in the soil mix are huge, very healthy looking while the others are puny, sickly and/or dead. Those that are alive haven't even doubled their size, while the other one has grown tenfold. They all have had the same treatment, same watering and no extra feeding.

I've not been able to get on with my plans for putting in a proper garden bed, my job has been exhausting, but not as bad as last time there have been no late nights and they only let us work 5 days in a row, not like before when I was working 10, 12 or 15 hour days for 18 days straight. We have an excellent team this time. I am working on getting a permanent job, had been hoping to do it at the new site but thinking about it I spoke to the Manager of the other site (same company) about getting a job with her. I wasn't ready to do it last November but now I am.


gail said...

Hello Belovedgoddess,

I just popped over to thank you for the info you left about arthritis. It is very helpful and I also use those baths when I have had a physical day and my body aches. We live in a homeunit at the moment and are very limited with what we can grow here because of space and consideration of other neighbours. Our garden was dismal to say the least this year. Those very hot days were just to much for the tomatoes. We are getting a few now but I think whats left will end up as green tomato pickles. I often feel soils we prepare ourselves are so much better than those potting mixtures. Its hard to know exactly what they put in them. Hope you winter crops go well.

Blessings Gail.

Tracie said...

Hi Cheryl,

I would have missed you by a lot more than a day. The composting and wormfarming is booked out till the 28th June. We are booked in for then. I hope you are still enjoying your work.

Have a good Day.

Tracie XX