The workshop I took yesterday was on No Dig Gardening, it was very informative, wasn't expecting hands on experience or to bring anything but paperwork home. Was so surprised when we got to build o\ur own little garden in a pot and take it home complete with plants. Very cool. I'd reccomend everyone to search for similar workshops in their areas, make suggestions to your council if they aren't available.
I've planted parsley, coriander and a couple of sugarsnap peas in it. When the peas sprout I'll probably move them into their own pots.
Now I just have to put my new found knowledge into action and build a big version down the back.
I don't have much time at the moment, am working again on a store setup, long hours 8am - 6pm (when the trucks turn up, twice this week we've had early days). It means I leave home a little after 6am and am back home after 7.30pm. It's hard physical work, I am covered in bruises. It's going quite well, we have a really good team who really get on with the work so much so that they have brought opening day forward. On Friday we were waiting for a truck to arrive and everyone was sitting waiting for it, our boss came up and asked for 4 volunteers to do a small job - everyone jumped to their feet. None of us wanted to be sitting around doing nothing so we all got stuck into the job - only a few minutes later the truck arrived and we were flat out for the rest of the day. I am hoping to have some work after the store is set up, everyone asks why I would want to travel so far, it's an hour train ride, but I use the time to catch up on reading or knitting so it's not wasted time. Wish me luck.
Your course sounds great and is worthwhile It is a shame councils don't have organized workshops in every area. The hour train trip would give you time to rest and reflect what you have learned :)
Hi Cheryl,
I just booked into the compost and worm farm course, on Sunday 22 March. I hope its not booked out. Might see you there one day.
LOL, Tracie, I'm booked in for the day before - Intro into Sustainable living.
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