After months (years?) of not having to take either kid to the Doctor's over the last few weeks we are making up for it. It's all been Thomas, first the appendix scare, he just needed more fibre in his diet. Then he injured his hand in a soccer match, xrays showed no breakages but his thumb was very swollen and badly bruised from wrist to tip. Now he has found a strange lump on the back of his other hand, it moves when he clenches his fist. Hopefully nothing but will get it checked out. Last visit Dr's receptionist said I probably jinxed myself. They say things come in threes so I'm hoping it will be the last of it. Touch wood

Went to my favourite patchwork shop today, need some fabric for a swap I'm in - couldn't find anything suitable in the ton of fabric I already have. When I'm there I always drop into a couple of op shops, I'm on the lookout for a Swift - used for winding hanks of yarn into balls, the swift holds the hank. The first one had an outfit on a maniquin - a long line coat in a soft vinyl, a khaki knit top and a brown suedelike skirt. I knew my daughter would love the coat and loved how good they looked together so bought all three items. The coat was $8, top $2 and skirt was $6, she loved them, the skirt does need taking in. Thought it was a real grownup look, be especially good for jobhunting. also got myself 3 small glass bowls, they match a set of side plates I bought from another op shop last week - the shops are over a hundred kilometres apart.

Later on in the afternoon Thomas and I went out to get potting mix, I decided to go by way of another op shop. First we took a look around the furniture section and then headed over to the homewares and books through the clothes section. On display at the end of an aisle was a long line demin coat and jeans set. The coat had floral embroidery on the front, I wasn't sure whether Cassie would like it, she likes plain things. This outfit was $15, never worn, had original tags in place. Thomas convinced me that she would like it and we decided if not we could sell it at the next carboot sale for a profit. But she loves it, I just have to hem the pants. Again it's another outfit wearable for work situations - the jeans are a dressy style.
I rarely ever buy secondhand clothing, only ever on the odd occasion that I really like something, these were those occasions. Cassie does have a lot of clothes, most are hand-me-downs from her cousins, they spend so much on clothes it's not funny, some of those are never even worn. It's a pity she's outgrown a couple of her cousins now.
Used to make a lot of their clothes but the way they are growing it's easier to buy over putting so much effort into something they quickly outgrow. I recently got the nerve up to give away one gorgeous winter jacket I made for her 5 years ago. I overheard someone at Girl's Brigade talking about needing winter clothes for their daughters and immediately made the offer of this jacket. When they received it they were so thankful and amazed that it was homemade. Also gave them the pants I made to go with it, that Cassie never wore. After I made the offer I found it hard to go through with it, but I forced myself to do it - wondering if it would be considered bad form to ask for it back when it's grown out of. They have a younger daughter who would possibly get wear out of it if it survives that long, I also have a little niece who could use it. I could always make another I suppose I still have the outer fabric and the pattern. I had been considering to use the fabric on a coat for Cassie but she no longer is in dire need of coats.

I, on the other hand, am. Last week we went to the mountains in the hope of snow, we did see it, spitting rain became fine sleet and then it snowed for a couple of minutes. I took 2 coats with me, my favourite a faux suede one I made a few years back, it was warm enough but my thighs were cold so I changed to a longer cord coat I made about 10 years ago. It was warm too but a bit on the daggy side and the sleeves a little short. Decided I need a new longer coat,hoping I have enough fabric it's a light tan version of the pictured coat. I also have it in pink and plum colourings I bought it at end of season for $5 a metre. Just need to find a good pattern for it now.
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