All I did was clean the seeds out and cut the butternut in half to fit in a glass pyrex dish, poured in a little water and put in the microwave for about 8 minutes. Then scooped the flesh into the food processor bowl with a little onion, garlic, vegetable stock powder, processing adding water a little at a time til it was the right consistancy. Poured it into the pryex dish for a little extra cooking, 2 minutes in the microwave. Served topped with a sprinkling of nutmeg, bread and butter. Ignore the Christmas bowl, I really like the shape of it for soups.
I did put a little too much garlic in, only had a tube of prepared garlic and realised I put too much in but just left it. The taste was just a little strong but still nice.
MUM what's for dinner?
Before I had started on lunch I found a recipe for shislicks and thought I could make something similar for dinner - my version is more italian I suppose, only having oregano and parsley available added some garlic too. I put the mince into the food processor along with onions and the herbs. After soaking wooden shewers I fashioned the mix into sausage shapes on the skewers before rolling them in seasoned flour. They're now in the fridge until dinnertime (no time to leave them overnight). We'll see if the hoards like them, they are the guinea pigs when it come to meat dishes in this house seeing as I don't eat red meat. I'll be also making gravy from scratch, something I've failed at in the past but after finding some videos on the subject on youtube I think I can handle it.

Have had a few computer hiccoughs lately, today it's taking ages to load pages, going to try a system restore to see if it helps but David thinks the harddrive in the laptop might be on it's way out. He thought it died the other day when we couldn't get the laptop to boot up but he manged to work his magic on it. I was in a little dither because nothing had been backed up for a while so spent yesterday backing up my important files onto a 4 mg flashcard. If it does go out, I'll be relegated one of the other computers, we do have 3 but will have to wait my turn for them. You might wonder how we can afford 3 computers and a laptop, my husband's last job was in IT so he knows all about computers, his latest job is maintenance in aged care. Every few years the computers are updated and the old tossed out, he saves what he thinks are salvagable and rebuilds them for use at home and for our parents. The laptop was bought bought cheap it's not new but does the job I need it for.

The above images were found at kissmyfloppy.com
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