I bought Rhonda Byrne"s new book The Magic yesterday, this morning I got an email that it is being released today. Well considering that we are a day ahead, the release date was yesterday for us. First time I have ever bought something on the day it was released.
I love Rhonda's writings, The Power was extremely Powerful for me (pun intended), The Secret I had a different attitude to, I couldn't get into it but I need to change my attitude to that and read the book again.
Again Pun intended The Magic is just MAGIC. I've only read the first chapter and it go me thinking. It's about Gratitude, a lesson I know but don't always heed.
I started thinking about the things I am or SHOULD be grateful for:
- My Husband
- My Children
- Our Home
- My job - Last year I lost a job I had for almost a year, budget cuts I actually went back to my old workplace to ask if they had any hours (would not have done that if there hadn't been a change in managers), the new manager gave me one day a week. When I've been asked to do extra I've jumped at it. This week I was made part time and given a extra day a week. I do still need more hours.
As I was reading today I thought about how Grateful I was to even have a job, that yes I would appreciate more hours and I would be thankful for them. But the most important thing was the fact that I had a job with an understanding and fair Manager.
I put the book down to put another load of washing on, very thankful to have a washing machine to make my life easier. The phone rings, it's my manager asking me if I can work extra hours tomorrow. Some may say it's coincidence but I say it's Magic. I had very similar occurances when I read The Power.
Another thing I was grateful for was being able to sit down to read the book in the middle of the day, still nice and comfy in my PJs. Yep it's a Pajama Day today - Nice, usually feel guilty about one but this time I am Thankful.
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