The first item is an apron but not just any old apron, a peg apron for my Father-in-Law. The idea for this was due to a conversation I had with my Mother-In-Law. Her hands are weakening so FIL has taken over hanging the clothes on the line, he kept asking her to buy a peg apron for him as he has trouble bending. The apron started out as a BBQ apron, in the style of his favourite football team's jersey. I folded up the base of the apron, covering the white fabric with matching blue and a bias edging.

The next gift was for my 3 year old great Nephew, I decided on a Pirate theme for him, mostly inspired by a picture I saw of him last year dressing up with his sister and cousin. The girls were dressed in Princess dresses and the only thing he could find was another dress. He made a cute Princess, but I think pirate would suit him better. The blue thing is actually a pillowcase made with a pocket, he can put pirate booty into it. Made the striped tshirt and appliqued a ship to both, added a skull and crossbones belt along with a pirate sticker book.

For his little sister, I decided on an Owl theme, make the pillowcase with Owl fabric and an Owl toy inspired a few patterns on the net. A book completed her present, I couldn't find a toddler's book with owls in it.

For their elder sister who is 5, I made a similar pillowcase in a bright print, added a Barbie Doll and colouring book.
I'm actually not finished making gifts, seeing as some family members went away for Christmas I decided to take the stress off and leave theirs till afterwards. Still have a Great niece and nephew, they are getting pillowcases as well. Hers is identical to her 5 year old cousins and his is Elephant themed. I still need to make bags for a couple of older neices (teens) who return next week.
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