While I was reading after breakfast this morning I thought about how neglected and unloved a lot of my house looked. Decided to make a start with the dresser in my dining room, first I looked over it to see if there was anything I didn't love on it and decided that most of the items were definitely loved.

My Old Country Roses Tea Cup set, a gift from my Mum for either my 18th or 21st Birthday, my Grandmother's lolly Jar. After Nanna passed away I was lucky enough (or was it fast enough?) to get a few coveted items, this jar I noticed a few weeks later sitting in Mum's kitchen after she washed it. I asked if I could have it, was told no that she liked it. I replied that she already had one, was told no she didn't, this went back and forth a couple of times. Until Mum in esparation said that she and Dad had bought it for my Grandmother not long after they married and in fact she had bought 3, one for her mother, one for Dad's mother and one for....... that's when she exclaimed "Where's mine?!!" remembering she always kept it on display but it was no longer there. I found it in a cupboard where she had put it away for safe keeping away after a close call with a toddling Grandchild.

The jug, tray and lace edged cloth also came from my Grandmother. The Windmill plate was a housewarming gift from Nanna when I invited her over for morning tea not long after I moved in here. She made me promise to look after it. Just after her death conversation got around to the fact that Nanna had noticed that items of hers were disappearing, she thought they had been broken or taken by others. Mum mentioned the Windmill Plate was one of those items, I told her I had it and had recieved it as a gift. We realised that Nanna's memory had been pretty shot and she didn't remember giving the items away, we now know where several of the items are. The lace cloth is handmade, either by Nanna's Grandmother or Aunt.

These glasses are so special to me, they are the first things I ever won. I was maybe 4 years old and won these at a school fete, they came in a basket shaped like a 3 leaf clover (long gone). Orginally 6 glasses one got broken long ago. When Dad used to make Rhubarb Wine we were allowed to have little in these little glasses on special occasions.
Turned wooden items made by my husband, photos of the most special people in my life, my 2 children - now 19 and 16.

Pretty teacup, vintage scale which I am not sure where it came from. May have bought it. The sweet little teddy who's name is Byron was originally made by me from a free internet pattern. I was so pleased with him and he has buttons holding his arms and legs on. The buttons came from a worn out favourite jacket. I remember the day I finished him I went over to my parent's place and was visiting with my Grandmother who was telling me about a day trip she had been on with a friend that day. She started telling me about the cutest little bear she had seen that was sitting in a teacup and how she wanted to buy one but wasn't able to afford it. I stopped our conversation saying I'd be right back and ran home (I live behind my parents, so not a long run) and grabbed Byron for her. She was so delighted with him and displayed him in a teacup. I only found him today after wondering where he was, I had thought he'd been put in with my Christmas bears and packed away but hadn't found him last Christmas. I found him stuffed into the bowl above which had been put in a cupboard. So happy to have him back.

Unfortunately the website, www.teddybearshug.com no longer exists but I was able to search for it with the Wayback Machine, heading back to 2006 where I was able to access the pattern.
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