After so many years of being overweight I am finally doing something about it, oh I've done something about it in the past but didn't follow through.
This week I've been listening to a CD by Paul McKenna, I can make you Thin, when I go to bed. I've noticed the difference, I stop eating when I feel satisfied even if it means leaving food on my plate, my sweet cravings are diminishing and I've developed a need to exercise.
I have been a little slack by not taking my lunch to work but instead of buying a burger, I've been having salad sandwiches or turkey, avocado and pineapple on a roll. Each day I also buy a fruit salad, I finish that in the car on the way home - keeps me from pulling into McDonalds for a drink and invaribly a burger and fries. There is also a supply of chocolate at work so I keep what I call my 'Chocolate saving Banana' in the tea room. Over the past week it's saved lots of chocolate.
Last night I was having a last moment surf on the net, I wanted to look up something but as soon I got the computer on I forgot what it was and ended up on You Tube where I found Jack Lalanne videos. I watched a couple doing the face exercies before going to bed.
This morning I looked up his website and then spent almost 25 minutes exercising with him, starting with his first episode. I like how he eases you in and there is no back busting moves straight in, I really enjoyed it and will be watching and participating in more episodes.
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