Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

So much for devoting today to gift making, my daughter broke her glasses on Sunday night, I had to find a way of repairing them so the lens would stay in, used hot glue. It worked ok, but only lasted til the next day, when I got home she had the lens held in with 2 rubber bands. Glued it again but it only lasted til we got to the Optometrist this morning, they sticky taped it up. She was overdue for a check up anyway, her left eye was a little worse. Has to put up with the broken glasses for a little longer, they may be ready as early as tomorrow, it depends on whether anyone is available to pick them up. I may be able to do it before work on Thursday. I thought about getting my eyes checked but will leave it til after Christmas. I did buy a couple of $20 sunglasses to leave in the cars, fed up with squinting.

I am so tired right now, I had to pull over to get a drink and a break because I like I was going drift off.

We got home to a little drama, Cassie took the cat outside to comb her, she raced back inside yelling that something was buzzing. She was frantic swiping at her hair, I checked and found a bee in it, All we had handy was the cat's comb, I used it to comb the bee out. The bee flew around the house for a little while until I managed to shoo it out. In her haste Cassie had thrown her glasses off and left them outside, as I opened the door the bee was back buzzing in my face, before it flew off. I had to ask where the glasses were and Cassie came to the door asking where the bee was, when it flew into the house and straight back into her hair. Took me a few moments to locate it in Cassie's ample hair, didn't help that she was frantic before I again used the cat's comb and flicked it out. This time it hit the floor and my first instinct was to step on it, I hate killing things especially bees but it seemed that this one had it in for Cassie. I've noticed the bees lately have been acting a little strange, they throw themselves at our bathroom window at night and a couple of weeks ago, my son and I were chased around the yard by a bee when we did yardwork. I've never experienced anything like it, I've been stung in the past but that's when I trod on a bee, have never been purposely chased by one.

1 comment:

Kathy McMahon said...

We have had them swarming at the back door since the rain last week. Whethere its only one or a lot of bees, its a bit scarey.