this time I was hungry for lunch. I wanted to eat in a place with history so chose to go to the Norman Lindsay Gallery's cafe. An indulgence, I started with Soup of the Day, Pea and Ham, finished with a Berry tart and tea. The food was delicious, ate every bite and ended up very full indeed.
After wards paid my $10 to enter the Gallery, which is in the house that Lindsay lived in. I hadn't planned to go on the tour of his studios (who said today was planned?) but I noticed the last tour was about to start so thought "what the hey?". The painting studio was he had left it, there was an unfinished painting on the easel. He died in his 90's, with pen in hand, mid sentence. The tour ended in his etching studio. After that I went on short walk down the trail to the pool, which no longer holds water. The whole place was gorgeous, recommend it to anyone. My favourite thing was the kitchen, I walked through the door and gasped, it's sort of kitchen that is mostly ripped out and replaced but it would suit me down to the ground.

More photos here .
I didn't forget to buy the elastic on the way home so will avoid the tv tonight and spend the evening in my sewing room, creating.
What a lovely day, good on you to get out and enjoy your self,I think I could do with a day like that :)
The last comment was deleted, I just don't get the weird Japanese comments.
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