Gingerbread Crafts

Gingerbread Crafts
Time for tea.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Wedding Outfit

The wedding was today, was a real Purple day. The bridesmaids were in Cadbury purple, the mothers of the bride and groom both wore purple, as well as several guests including myself. Purple must be the new black. The shawl was pinned to the dress with a vintage brooch that was my Grandmother's. Being winter I added a thicker shawl for use when outdoors.

True to form I left sewing the dress til this week. Worked on it over 2 nights, left hand stitching and hems til yesterday. Around 12 last night I decided I just had to have a matching bag, so made up a knot bag using the dress fabric, deciding to use the wrong side of the satin backed crepe for the outside. By the time I dragged myself to bed all I had to do was the hand stitching on the handles. Thought the bag looked great. The colours in the pictures aren't true, the true colour is close to plum, on the Burgundy side of purple I suppose, the first photo here is pretty close to being true.

My mannequin is not true to size, she is much smaller so the dress is pegged in the back.

This is how I mostly wore the outfit, the second photo is for when I didn't want to worry about the shawl slipping.

Seeing as it was winter I wore a thicker shawl for outside. Though the reception room wasn't' that warm, we were near the door and there was a draft at times. For some reason they had the air cond on as well, over the bridal table it was blowing strongly and wasn't on warm, the Bridal party must have been so cold.

Yesterday I got a new mobile phone and not wanting to have it scratched up I whipped up a phone sock out of fleecy fabric. When I got home I decided I just had to have a cover that matched the bag, so I tried making a little purse for it to fit in but cut the wadding too small. Instead of making a purse I ended up making a wrap for it, the wadding was cut perfect size for that, it works much better than the purse would have. It was a pity I didn't have enough time to make up a purse to carry my license and cards in. Instead I carried those items in an Altoids tin, it just happened to be handy.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

It all looks lovely! i hope you enjoyed the wedding : )