Today was my Great Niece's 2nd Birthday party, as usual I left the gift buying til almost the last moment. Had thought I would take a run into Big W and buy either clothes or toys. Yesterday afternoon I had a change of heart, I decided I wanted to make something for her instead so headed into the sewing room to see what I could find. Decided on a teddy bear, I already had the patterns traced out onto to green chenille fabric. The bear went together very well seeing as I winged it, couldn't find the magazine I got it out of. I did have trouble getting the nose right, after so many goes and subsequent unpickings I was sort of happy with it. After I got the bear made it was a matter of finding the right fabric to dress it with, found a pretty rose fabric and some lace. I also used the fabric to make a little bag just the right size for a 2 year old. I think the results are pretty good, even if they did get tossed aside because Dora's Napsack was the next gift out. Later she played with the bear.
I also added something else to her gift, a Barbie doll that I bought on special for $3 about 3 Christmas' ago, I gave it to her about half an hour after the first part of the gift. She loved it and wanted the box opened right away. Barbie had her hair brushed, got fed chocolate cake and covered in the same in the first 10 minutes. I had to wash her under the garden tap. I spent no extra money on anything, I made the card and used one of the free 300 gift bags - a paper heart shaped doiley covering the company name.
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