I just finished writing my last post when I realised I had neglected to mention Anzac Day, it is so important that I didn't want to just tack it on the end, it deserves it's own posting.
Today is the the anniversary of the day that The Australian And New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) landed in Gallipoli. 0ver 8000 Australian and 2700 New Zealand troops lost their lives in a disasterous 8 month seige. We commemorate all our lost and returned soldiers from all wars on this day.
My family didn't attend any of the official ceremonies but stood at a Memorial on Observatory Hill at sunset remembering those who didn't return. My maternal Grandfather fought in New Guinea during the WWII, my Paternal Grandfather was also in the Army but he was stationed in Sydney to defend our homeland - I don't know if he went further afield. He had a trade so was a valuable asset during wartime. One of his brothers passed away in a POW camp in WW1, I've always felt close to Uncle Harry and will always think of him on this day, as well as many many times during the year.
Lest we forget.
There has been talk in the past that Anzac Day was dying out along with the Servicemen who returned from that campaign but I don't think it ever will while we still send young Australians to battle and the ultimate sacrifice. Friends of my father lost their son in Afghanistan in 2007, he was only 26.
Lest we forget.
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