Sue at White Lilly has given me the "Marie Antoinette Keeping it Real Award". How wonderful to receive an award, my very first. I don't know the history of this award but I am glad to have received it. Thank you White lilly.
Am just back from the dentist, the broken tooth was very stubborn and the Dentist couldn't get it all out, some of the root is still in place. Hoping that it will make it's own way to the surface but if I have any problems will be referred to a specialist. He's put me on antibiotics just in case. Am on soft lukewarm foods for the next couple of days, no crunching ice or for that matter eating cake for me. David even bought icecream for me as a treat, we've all had icecream cravings the last couple of days --- waaah!!!
We are back on the road with the car, had a mechanic come out to work on it. Of course it didn't do what it had done for me, it's been starting first go. He took it for a drive but didn't hear the noise I had been hearing. But he took the wheels off to check the brake pads as I had told him I thought it was the brakes. The brake pads were almost metal to metal, he told me that I had good instincts. He also worked on the fuel system and it needed a new battery. It cost an arm and a leg but now we have a well running car. So much so I was driving the other day and I thought the car had stalled because I couldn't hear the motor - I had to double check lol. No extra noises now and the AC seems cooler too.
Haven't been able to do much around here recently, it's been too hot to function. Without AC in the house it's hard to get motivated, I really hate the heat. I've mainly been doing things when it cools down at night, sometimes 2 or 3 am is the only time I feel cool enough. Bring on Autumn!!
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