I have just signed up for a "Pay it Forward" challenge with Tracie, at Our Simple Green House - sorry for some reason I can't add a clickable link a the moment. http://oursimplegreenhouse.blogspot.com/
Just what is "Pay it Forward"?
it's the Pay It Forward exchange, based on the concept of the movie "Pay It Forward", where acts of kindness are done without expecting anything in return, just passing it on, hoping that the recipients will do the same and pay it forward, like a never ending chain of kindness...Sorry Tracie, I stole that straight from your blog - my excuse is that it's late at night and I can't think (hmmm and just what is my excuse for the rest of the time?).
Anyway what happens is that I sign up to recieve a handmade gift from Tracie and in return make a promise to make 3 handmade items to pass on to others. I will be sending a gift to the first 3 friends who leave a comment to this post requesting to join in and making their own 3 gift promise by offering the same on their own blog.
This is the sort of 'chain mail' I like.
1 comment:
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for joining, I wil get something to you as soon as i can May not be till late next month but it will just arrive in the mail. I'm organising a weekend retreat for my scrapbook shop at the moment and as I usually do I have left everything to the last minute.
Tracie xx
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