Haven't been well this week, Thomas ever so kindly shared his cold with me. I had to take yesterday and today off work. The down time has given me time to complete my father's birthday present in time for his birthday, I made a pair of socks out of my homespun wool/silk blend. I am so pleased with how they have turned out and with the fact that I have completed the pair and didn't have to resort to giving him one sock and a promise to complete the other as I feared. It didn't help that I only decided to do them last Sunday when I finished spinning. They were completed at midnight, apart from the grafting on one toe so I've been able to spend a lazy day tucked in bed today trying to get over this cold.
The housework has, for the most part, been neglected, I'll have to get stuck into it on the weekend.
I'll dress myself up warmly later on to take the socks over to Dad, he is having a BBQ tonight for his birthday. I'll not stay, just long enough to wish him Happy Birthday from a distance and maybe scrounge a plate of food so I don't need to prepare any and mess my kitchen up even more.
I was gifted with about 300 giftbags this week, they carry a chocolate suppliers name on them and are a nice burgandy colour, will be useful for Christmas if I glue an image, perhaps old Christmas cards over the name. My husband found them at work, they were tossing them out and had already thrown a box or two out. He knew I could get great use out of them for personal use and with Girls' Brigade. They have no idea how they ended up at an Aged Care facility. He also came across another box that had my name on it at one of the facilities, it was filled with sewing items that another worker had put aside for me. The box was filled with wonderful vintage sewing threads on wooden spools, original thread boxes, vintage chocolate box (empty), zippers, a wooden cigar box full of buttons and old pattern drafting books. To me it was like a treasure chest, my daughter wanted to dig in to the box but I wouldn't let her, it was my treasure and I had first dibs. I am thinking of making a shadow box to hold all of the threads to hang on my wall.
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