We lost a friend on Sunday morning and said our final goodbyes today. He was very well liked and respected, the numbers at the service showed that. Didn't even attempt to get in the chapel, they opened the side doors and the overflow stood outside. He was well known as an organiser and always had lists for everything, even for weekends away. He was teased mercilessly over it - good heartedly of course. The service was good and laughs were had over the antedotes recounted from his life, he really was a fun guy and will be sorely missed.
We will be ending the week with celebrations, on Saturday there is a surprise party for one of my SIL's birthdays and then on Sunday my daughter turns sweet 16, we won't be having a major celebration, just a quiet family one, might go out for dinner. I have to head to the shops tomorrow to look for gifts for both of them. I haven't finished the pj pants for my daughter, haven't much been in the mood for sewing but did get one pair stitched together for a fitting. They fit well. I did buy some more fabric to make 2 more pairs, cotton with butterfly prints. I'll do them tomorrow night and over the weekend.
Got the fabric at Spotlight, everything was 20% off. Also got some great vintage looking bowls that had been marked down 50% and then had the 20% off as well. Bargain. Found a Mother's are Angels garden plaque that will do nicely for Mother's day. $43 later I left the store, so much for only looking for a cheap craft idea to do with the girls on Tuesday night.
Have also been looking after mum's dog this week, she and Dad left for a holiday early Sunday morning. We picked their car up from the church later in the morning, which was an experience in itself. Car wouldn't start and I ended up ringing them only to be told "oh didn't we tell you it has a kill switch?" When DH jumped out of our car and got in theirs I noticed that one couple who were leaving the church watching him closely. I knew who they were, the husband was one of my childhood Sunday school teachers so got out of the car to let them know what we were doing. It's good knowing that they were keeping an eye out. Mum rang yesterday worried about her dog, I was over at her place at the time she was worried he wouldn't be eating but I had just fed him and looked down to find an empty bowl.
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